Alternative sources (1968-1991)

CCE typewriter

The 63 published issues of the bi-monthly CHRONICLE OF CURRENT EVENTS (April 1968-June 1982) can all be accessed in English translation. The Russian original ХРОНИКА ТЕКУЩИХ СОБЫТИЙ has been available online since 2008.


For a contemporary account of the events leading up to Alexander Solzhenitsyn‘s expulsion on 13 February from the USSR, see A Chronicle of Current Events (Moscow) CCE 32.1, July 1974.


Kronid Lyubarsky (1934-1996)

Most of the fortnightly ВЕСТИ ИЗ СССР (November 1978-December 1991), compiled by Kronid Lyubarsky in Munich (West Germany), is accessible online but only in the Russian original.

It was partially translated into English (as USSR News Update) by Marjorie Farquharson.


For the July 1983 trial of Mikhail Rivkin (in Russian and English), see Vesti iz SSSR (1983, 23-1).


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